martedì 20 febbraio 2018

Svezia. Il caso di Mr Qaisar Mahmood. Farsa nella tragedia.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.


Rullo-compressore 001

«that marks the end of Sweden’s national heritage»

«Qaisar Mahmood, född 16 februari 1973 i Lahore, Pakistan, är en svensk författare.

Qaisar Mahmood växte upp i Lahore tillsammans med sin mor och syster, medan hans far sedan några år tillbaka bodde i Sverige som arbetskraftsinvandrare. När Qaisar Mahmood var sju år gammal följde resten av familjen efter fadern och de bosatte sig i Tensta i Stockholm.

Mahmood är utbildad socionom och tog pol.mag-examen i statskunskap vid Stockholms universitet år 1999. Han var huvudsekreterare i den integrationspolitiska kommitté som den borgerliga regeringen lade ned när den tillträdde 2006. Qaisar Mahmood har arbetat på Riksrevisionen, Svenska Kommunförbundet, Regeringskansliet och Integrationsverket. Han är numera (2017) anställd som avdelningschef på Riksantikvarieämbetet.

År 2012 utkom han med boken Jakten på svenskheten (Natur & Kultur), där han skildrar en resa om 900 mil på motorcykel genom Sverige för att söka svenskheten och den svenska identiteten.» [Fonte]


«Qaisar Mahmood, nato il 16 febbraio 1973 a Lahore, in Pakistan, è uno scrittore svedese. Qaisar Mahmood è cresciuto a Lahore con sua madre e sua sorella, mentre suo padre ha vissuto in Svezia per alcuni anni come immigrato. Quando Qaisar Mahmood aveva sette anni, il resto della famiglia seguì il padre e si stabilirono a Tensta, a Stoccolma.
Mahmood è stato educato e si è laureato in Scienze Politiche all'Università di Stoccolma nel 1999. Era il Segretario Generale del Comitato per la politica di integrazione che il governo borghese ha messo da parte al suo insediamento nel 2006. Qaisar Mahmood ha lavorato presso l'Ufficio del Revisore Generale, il governo locale svedese, gli uffici governativi e il Consiglio di integrazione svedese. Attualmente è (2017) impiegato come Capo Dipartimento della Riksantikvarieämbetet.
Nel 2012 ha pubblicato il libro Hunting for Swedish (Nature & Culture), che descrive un viaggio di 900 miglia in motociclette attraverso la Svezia per cercare l'identità svedese»

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«that marks the end of Sweden’s national heritage»


«Qaisar Mahmood, a Muslim born in Pakistan, is the new head of the Swedish National Heritage Board»


«he readily admits that he has not read anything about Sweden’s cultural heritage»


«is using his position as head of the Swedish National Heritage Board not to highlight and celebrate that heritage, but to downplay Sweden’s cultural heritage and history, and to create a false narrative that will help compel Swedes to accept mass Muslim migration»


«He says he doesn’t want simply to alert people to Viking artifacts and the like, but to use Sweden’s history to “create the narrative” that will make Muslim migrants “part of something.”»

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Queste sono le tesi che arditamente sostiene Mr Qaisar Mahmood.

«The idea had entered, however dimly, the popular consciousness: the Vikings were really Muslims. Islam is Swedish. Sweden was Islamic before it was Christian. The Muslim migrants are Swedes»

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Nessuna preclusione mentale al fatto che il capo del National Heritage Board svedese possa essere un pakistano.

Esattamente come non esiste preclusione al fatto che sia un integralista islamico.

Fa specie che Mr Qaisar Mahmood sostenga tesi difficilmente compatibili con la carica ricoperta e con la documentazione storica disponibile. Invece che tutelare l'eredità nazionale la vuole semplicemente rimuovere alla radice.

«Vikings were really Muslims»


«Islam is Swedish»


«Sweden was Islamic before it was Christian»


Aspettiamo con pazienza i risultati delle prossime elezioni politiche. I governi nominano, ma anche destituiscono.

Ribadiamo qui un concetto già ripetutamente espresso.

Il problema non sono gli islamici, bensì la classe politica occidentale che li usa per conseguire e mantenere il potere politico, per snaturare ciò che era ed è il retaggio religioso, storico, culturale, sociale ed artistico occidentale.

Tra qualche mese gli Elettori svedesi andranno alle urne e staremo a vedere il risultato.

→ Frontpage Mag. 2018-02-15. Sweden Appoints Pakistani Muslim Head of National Heritage Board

And that marks the end of Sweden’s national heritage.


Qaisar Mahmood, a Muslim born in Pakistan, is the new head of the Swedish National Heritage Board. This is an extremely anomalous appointment, since he readily admits that he has not read anything about Sweden’s cultural heritage. But his new job is not really about preserving and protecting Sweden’s cultural heritage and historical sites at all.

Qaisar Mahmood, who once rode his motorcycle around Swedenin an apparently failed attempt to discover what being Swedish consisted of, is using his position as head of the Swedish National Heritage Board not to highlight and celebrate that heritage, but to downplay Sweden’s cultural heritage and history, and to create a false narrative that will help compel Swedes to accept mass Muslim migration. He says he doesn’t want simply to alert people to Viking artifacts and the like, but to use Sweden’s history to “create the narrative” that will make Muslim migrants “part of something.”

We have already seen how that works. Remember the fake news story about the Viking burial cloth bearing the word “Allah”? Last October, a Swedish researcher gained international headlines by claiming that burial costumes from Viking graves dating back to the ninth and tenth centuries had been found to be inscribed with the name “Allah.” The intent of this was obvious: to convince Swedes that Islam had always been a part of Sweden, all the way back to the days of the Vikings, and so they should not be concerned about the mass Muslim migration that was now bringing Sweden unprecedented rape and other crime rates. Islam has always been a part of Sweden! Stop opposing mass Muslim migration!

The Viking burial cloths didn’t really feature the name “Allah” at all, as Stephennie Mulder, an associate professor of Medieval Islamic art and archaeology at the University of Texas at Austin, proved shortly thereafter, but by then the damage had been done. The idea had entered, however dimly, the popular consciousness: the Vikings were really Muslims. Islam is Swedish. Sweden was Islamic before it was Christian. The Muslim migrants are Swedes.

The “Allah” Viking burial cloth propaganda offensive was one manifestation of what Qaisar Mahmood and others like him are doing. There is no Muslim history in Sweden, but Qaisar Mahmood is working to change the very idea of cultural heritage and fabricate fictions about a historical Muslim presence in Sweden in order to advance his political and sociological agenda.

Qaisar Mahmood, as a Pakistani, of course has no Swedish heritage of his own. His admitted lack of knowledge of Swedish heritage and history ought to have disqualified him from his position, but this is how Sweden is obliterating itself and committing cultural and national suicide. After all, Swedes appointed Qaisar Mahmood to this position. It is Swedish leaders who want to destroy Swedish cultural and national identity.

It also must be remembered in connection with Qaisar Mahmood’s role as head of the Swedish National Heritage Board that the Qur’an suggests that ruins are a sign of Allah’s punishment of those who rejected his truth: “Many were the Ways of Life that have passed away before you: travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who rejected Truth.” (3:137)

This is one of the foundations of the Islamic idea that pre-Islamic civilizations, and non-Islamic civilizations, are all jahiliyya — the society of unbelievers, which is worthless. Obviously this cuts against the idea of tourism of ancient sites and non-Muslim religious installations such as are found all over Sweden.

  1. S. Naipaul encountered this attitude in his travels through Muslim countries. For many Muslims, he observed in Among the Believers, “The time before Islam is a time of blackness: that is part of Muslim theology. History has to serve theology.” Naipaul recounted that some Pakistani Muslims, far from valuing the nation’s renowned archaeological site at Mohenjo Daro, saw its ruins as a teaching opportunity for Islam, recommending that Qur’an 3:137 be posted there as a teaching tool.

It does lead one to ponder what Qaisar Mahmood might allow to be done, or not done, with Sweden’s historical sites and artifacts. But whatever destruction may ensue is, obviously, what Swedish authorities want.

→ Basler Zeitung. 2018-02-15. Armes, dummes Schweden

Die schwedische Regierung leugnet das krachende Scheitern der Integration. In Städten bildeten sich unterdessen rechtsfreie No-Go-Zonen.


Aus Schweden stammen Ikea, Abba und Pippi Langstrumpf, auf der ganzen Welt geliebte Brands. Ebenso erfolgreich, wäre es nur nach dem Willen der Erfinder gegangen, hätte auch eine andere schwedische Idee werden sollen: die Öffnung des «Folkhemmet», des sozialdemokratischen Wohlfahrtsmodells «Volksheim» für Geflüchtete und Beladene aus der ganzen Welt. Das kulturell homogene Schweden sollte multikulturell werden, hatte vor rund vierzig Jahren dessen politische Elite beschlossen, und die Grenzen weit geöffnet.

Die dankbaren Neubürger würden bald die Tugenden der wackeren, arbeitsamen und etwas langweiligen Nordländer übernehmen, und Schweden würde als «humanitäre Grossmacht» und Modell einer ethnisch-religiös kunterbunten, aber trotzdem friedlichen und fürsorglichen Gesellschaft den restlichen Nationen den Weg leuchten. So die Träume der stolzen Sozialingenieure. Es kam anders.

Multikulturelles Nirwana

In Städten bildeten sich rechtsfreie No-Go-Zonen, wo sich Migranten-Gangs mit automatischen Waffen und Handgranaten bekriegen. Gewaltkriminalität, auch islamisch motivierte, nimmt kontinuierlich zu, besonders stark aber sexuelle Gewalt und mit ihr der Tatbestand der Gruppenvergewaltigung. Migranten der ersten und zweiten Generation, insbesondere aus Nordafrika und Nahost, sind in allen Sparten überproportional vertreten.

Das polit-mediale Establishment leugnet das krachende Scheitern der Integration und verfolgt unbeirrbar ihr quasi-religiöses Projekt eines postnationalen, postreligiösen, multikulturellen Nirwanas. Wie ernst man es meint, zeigt eine jüngste Personalie. Zum neuen Direktor von Schwedens Nationalem Amt für Kulturerbe wurde der 44-jährige Muslim Qaisar Mahmood gewählt. Der gebürtige Pakistani ist jetzt oberster Verantwortlicher für die Erhaltung von Schwedens historischer Seele: von Wikinger-Gräbern, Runen, mittelalterlichen Kirchen, Volkstrachten. Mahmood hat Soziologie studiert, war Integrationsbeamter, schrieb Aufsätze über «Diversität», hat aber, wie er sagt, noch nie ein Buch über Archäologie oder Kulturerbe gelesen.

Wer einen solchen Personalentscheid anordnet oder zulässt, hat eine kulturelle Todessehnsucht. Armes, dummes Schweden.

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