lunedì 8 gennaio 2018

Alcuni continuano a fare. La Cina è vicina: magari mi fossi laureato invece di iniziare a lavorare ...

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.



Dopo il Progetto Belt and Road, un investimento di 1,500 miliardi di dollari americani in infrastrutture costruite nei paesi emergenti, adesso la China sta lanciando un grandioso progetto di richiamo del bene più prezioso che esista a questo mondo: l'intelligenza umana. Premi Nobel, ricercatori di eccellenza, persone intelligenti: venite a lavorare in Cina. Sarete stimati socialmente, sarete ben pagati, e nessuno vi importunerà con problemi amministrativi. Ma soprattutto, vivrete liberi dalla dittatura liberal.


Se ufficialmente questo progetto dovrebbe avere una dotazione di un po' più di due miliardi Usd, tenendo conto di tutte le voci correlate che concorrono a questo fine, si dovrebbe arrivare a superare i duecento miliardi Usd.

Sei uno scienziato di valore e ti trasferisci in Cina?

«start-up package of RMB 1 million yuan from the nation’s central budget»

Lì nessuno ti importunerà più con l'ideologia liberal e potrai lavorare in pace e sereno. Lo ripetiamo perché non sarà mai un concetto sufficientemente chiaro. Per chiarimenti:


Andiamo con ordine.



千人计划网广州  浙江  广西


«The Thousand Talents Plan.

The Recruitment Program for Innovative Talents (Long Term)

  1. Basic Qualifications for Candidates

The Recruitment Program for Innovative Talents (Long Term) targets people under 55 years of age who are willing to work in China on a full-time basis, with full professorships or the equivalent in prestigious foreign universities and R&D institutes, or with senior titles from well-known international companies or financial institutions.

  1. Preferential Policies and Treatments

Awardees will be conferred the title of “National Distinguished Experts” and be provided with enabling working and living conditions.

(1) Enabling working conditions

Awardees are entitled to assume some leadership, professional or technical positions in universities, R&D institutes, central SOEs as well as state-owned commercial and financial institutions; to serve as project principals of the National Key Scientific and Technological Projects, "863 Program”(or the National High-tech R&D Program),“973 Program”(or the National Program on Key Basic Research Project), the National Nature Science Fund Projects; to apply for S&T funds and industrial development funds from government to support scientific research as well as production and operating activities in China; to participate in the consultation and demonstration of China's major projects, the formulation of key scientific research plans and national standards, the construction of major projects, etc; to determine the expenditure and employment within the prescribed scope of responsibilities as project principals; to be engaged in various domestic academic organizations and the election of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (foreign academicians) and become the candidates of a wide range of government rewards.

(2) Special living benefits

Awardees as well as their spouses and minor children with alien nationality may apply for “Permanent Residence for Aliens” and/or multiple entry visas, the validity of which lasts 2-5 years. Awardees with Chinese citizenship will be free to settle down in any city of their choice and will not be restricted by his or her original residence registry. Each awardee shall receive a one-off, start-up package of RMB 1 million yuan from the nation’s central budget; be entitled to medical care, social insurance including pensions, medical insurance and work-related injury insurance; and may purchase one residential apartment for personal use. The housing and meal allowance, removing indemnity, home-leave-subsidy, and children-education-allowance in the wage income in Chinese territory within 5 years shall be deducted before taxes in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Employers have to offer job opportunities to spouses, and children will have guaranteed admission to schools. The income level should be decided on their previous jobs overseas through negotiation with due living allowances. ....»



Cerchiamo di ragionare.

«China is issuing long-term visas to lure highly skilled people from abroad to work in the country»


«The multi-entry visas will be valid for between five and 10 years, according to state media»


«Technology leaders, entrepreneurs and scientists from in-demand sectors are among those eligible to apply»


«China has set out goals for its economic and social development, and sees recruiting experts from abroad as key to achieving that»


«When plans for the scheme were first considered, China said at least 50,000 foreigners would benefit»


«Nobel Prize winners welcome»

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Si potesse per almeno una volta parlare senza incorrere nel politicamente corretto oppure essere bollati di discorsi di odio!

In Occidente la vita degli scienziati creativi è diventata impossibile. È stato trasformato nella landa dei meno che mediocri. Si vive, si cerca di vivere sotto la dittatura liberal.

Parole grosse? Credete?

Bene. Questo è uno dei tanti esempi della Cina.

New graphene center named after Sir Andre Geim established in Shenzhen.

«The Shenzhen Geim Graphene Research Center was established in Shenzhen, China in early December. The new center joins other prominent research centers and labs named after and led by Nobel laureates such as Robert H. Grubbs, Shuji Nakamura and Barry Marshall, all pioneers in global science, and technology trends in energy, materials, optics and medicine.

"China is one of the most active countries in the research and application of graphene, and Shenzhen is the most innovative and dynamic place in China. Here, the whole innovation environment and industry development trend make me more willing to participate," said Andre Geim, winner of 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics, which is said to shift his work focus there by personally directing research, industrialization and talent at the lab.»

* * *

Eccovi l'Occidente Liberal.

Vi ricordate il caso del prof. Tym Hunt, premio Nobel 2001, licenziato in tronco dall'University College London (UCL) per aver detto in un convegno a Seul:

«Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab. You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them, they cry».

Vuoi criticare un Premio Nobel? Bene: prima prendi tu un premio Nobel, e poi se ne può parlare. Quattro bagascette urlanti hanno fatto dimettere un Premio Nobel. Come in passato otto lavandaie costrinsero all'esilio Enrico Fermi ed Albert Einstein.

* * *

Oppure, vi ricordate quando l'Università di Oxford tolse il diritto di parola al prof. James Watson, che aveva accennato alla "razza bianca"? Peccato che il prof. Watson fosse lo scopritore del dna, premio Nobel 1962. Ma chi mai si credevano di essere quelli che gli tolsero la parola? Esseri insignificanti, a voler essere generosi oltre misura.


Vi ricordate i cartelloni e le scritte

«Feynman sporco sessista! Feynman sporco sessista!»

ove un branco di erinni ne reclamavano l'allontanamento e come il premio Nobel 1965 per la Fisica le mise a tacere dicendo:

«Anche se l’Associazione Americana degli Insegnanti di Fisica ha premiato il mio insegnamento, confesso che non so insegnare. Quindi non ho nulla da dire sull’insegnamento. Vorrei invece parlare di un tema che interesserà particolarmente le donne presenti: vorrei parlare della struttura del protone».

Le femmine ammutolirono e quindi se ne andarono: non sapevano neppure cosa fosse un protone. Avevano preso la laurea in fisica come 'quote rosa'. Ma dove mai pensa di andare l'Occidente con fisici e chimici dichiarati tali in 'quote rosa'?

* * * * * * *

«Nobel Prize winners welcome»

Perché mai allora un ricercatore di eccellenza dovrebbe continuare a vivere in questa dittatura liberal femminista e non scegliere la via della libertà in Cina?

L'Occidente si tenga pura la sua mediocrità di infimo livello, quote rosa e via cantando, che ha così care come ogni altra pratica contro natura. Le aquile voleranno altrove. Poi, arriverà il diluvio.

→ Bbc. 2018-01-05. China offers 10-year visas to 'high end talent'

China is issuing long-term visas to lure highly skilled people from abroad to work in the country.

The multi-entry visas will be valid for between five and 10 years, according to state media.

Technology leaders, entrepreneurs and scientists from in-demand sectors are among those eligible to apply.

China has set out goals for its economic and social development, and sees recruiting experts from abroad as key to achieving that.

When plans for the scheme were first considered, China said at least 50,000 foreigners would benefit.

Nobel Prize winners welcome

Applications for the visas can be made online, are free of charge and will be processed quickly, the Chinese government said.

Visa holders will be allowed to remain in the country for up to 180 days at a time, and will be eligible to bring partners and children.

In 2016 China introduced a ranking system for expatriates, aimed at identifying the skills it wanted to attract while reducing the number of lower-skilled foreigners coming into the country.

According to a document released at the time, those classed as "high-end foreign talent" included Nobel Prize winners, successful Olympic athletes and directors of "world famous colleges of music fine arts and arts".

Top scientists, heads of major financial institutions and professors of "overseas high-level universities" also fit the bill.

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